BōnDry is the world’s easiest way to dry hydration bladders and other gear. Given the many different hydration bladder styles, you may need to configure the BōnDry slightly differently than you would with the fold-clip style bladders featured in our ads.
Here is a quick guide to using BōnDry with some of the more popular styles.
Screw-top with or without divider
To use with these popular bladders, insert BōnDry completely, then tuck the top of the BōnDry into the upper part of the bladder.
IMPORTANT: Leave the cap off, this way moisture from top and bottom have a location to wick to, where it will evaporate!
If your screw-top bladder has a divider, you can cut the BōnDry vertically between the two center seams so it can clear the divider. It will look like a small pair of pants when you do this.
Note: There can be some fraying when you do this, but it works well. This was a value engineering move. Sewing the split turned out to be very expensive partly due to the fact we manufacture the BōnDry in the United States.
We also now have WishBōn Which is specifically made for bladders with a center divider!
Lumbar Style Screw Tops
You can use BōnDry with this style of bladder by first folding it into an upside-down “V”
Once the BōnDry is folded you can slide it into the bladder with the legs of your upside-down V at either side of the bladder.
IMPORTANT: Leave the cap off, this way moisture from top and bottom have a location to wick to, where it will evaporate!
Fold-clip Style
You probably saw these in one of our Ads. Simply slide BōnDry down into the bladder and leave some of the tip out of the bladder. The more of the tip that is exposed, the better because it allows BōnDry to dry itself faster.
If you have a center divider follow the instructions for the Screw-top with divider.
Insulated Water Bottles
Yep, that’s right, BōnDry quickly dries your insulated water bottle. Just insert the BōnDry and twist the bottle around so it grabs all the moisture. Usually only takes a couple turns. You can remove BōnDry or you can leave it there and let the moisture wick out. It is up to you!
So don’t Air-dry it! BōnDry it!
Stay tuned to our blog as we update it with new innovative product and test BōnDry in more variation of hydration bladders.